Plant species on Conservation projects

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Plagius flosculosus (L.) Alavi & Heywood

P.O. FESR 2014-2020 Azione 6.5.1 ZSC – Stagno di Cagliari, Saline di Macchiareddu, Laguna di Santa Gilla.

Mauro Fois

2024-07-17 18:18:29
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Brassica insularis Moris

MIC-Mediterranean Islands Collective

Mauro Fois
Alba Cuena

2024-07-17 18:13:22
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Linaria flava (Poir.) Desf. subsp. sardoa (Sommier) A.Terracc.

LIFE20 NAT/IT/001468 Using SEED banks to restore and reinFORCE the endangered native plants of Italy - LIFE SEEDFORCE

Mauro Fois
Alba Cuena

2024-07-17 17:36:26
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Ribes sardoum Martelli

LIFE20 NAT/IT/001468 Using SEED banks to restore and reinFORCE the endangered native plants of Italy - LIFE SEEDFORCE

Mauro Fois
Alba Cuena

2024-07-17 17:08:38
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Valeriana amazonum (Fridl. & A.Raynal) Christenh. & Byng

LIFE20 NAT/IT/001468 Using SEED banks to restore and reinFORCE the endangered native plants of Italy - LIFE SEEDFORCE

Mauro Fois
Alba Cuena

2024-07-17 17:00:50
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Valeriana amazonum (Fridl. & A.Raynal) Christenh. & Byng


Donatella Cogoni
Giuseppe Fenu
Gianluigi Bacchetta

2024-07-17 16:52:55
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Limonium strictissimum (Salzm.) Arrigoni

LIFE20 NAT/IT/001468 Using SEED banks to restore and reinFORCE the endangered native plants of Italy - LIFE SEEDFORCE

Mauro Fois
Alba Cuena

2024-07-16 06:21:53
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Linum mulleri Moris

LIFE20 NAT/IT/001468 Using SEED banks to restore and reinFORCE the endangered native plants of Italy - LIFE SEEDFORCE

Mauro Fois
Alba Cuena

2024-07-16 06:11:55