Plant species on Conservation projects

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Tephroseris balbisiana (DC.) Holub

Agreement for scientific works linked to the development of the 63/2007decree, creating the Protected flora list of Castilla y León and the protection category called Flora Microreserve (Convenio para la realización de trabajos científicos vinculados al desarrollo del decreto 63/2007, de 14 de junio, por el que se crean el Catálogo de Flora Protegida de Castilla y León y la figura de protección denominada Microrreserva de Flora)

Miguel Serrano
Pablo Rodeiro

2024-06-06 10:06:19
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Apteranthes burchardii (N.E.Br.) Plowes

Habitat conservation plan of Caralluma buchardii (Plan de Conservación del Hábitat de La Cuernúa Caralluma burchardii)

Miguel Serrano
Pablo Rodeiro

2024-06-06 10:06:19
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Eryngium viviparum J.Gay

LIFE11 NAT/ES/000707 Inland wetlands of Northern Iberian Peninsula: management and restoration of mires and wet environments - TREMEDAL

Miguel Serrano
Pablo Rodeiro

2024-06-06 10:06:19
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Arnica montana L. subsp. atlantica A.Bolòs

LIFE11 NAT/ES/000707 Inland wetlands of Northern Iberian Peninsula: management and restoration of mires and wet environments - TREMEDAL

Miguel Serrano
Pablo Rodeiro

2024-06-06 10:06:19
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Pinguicula lusitanica L.

LIFE11 NAT/ES/000707 Inland wetlands of Northern Iberian Peninsula: management and restoration of mires and wet environments - TREMEDAL

Miguel Serrano
Pablo Rodeiro

2024-06-06 10:06:19
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Drosera intermedia Hayne

LIFE11 NAT/ES/000707 Inland wetlands of Northern Iberian Peninsula: management and restoration of mires and wet environments - TREMEDAL

Miguel Serrano
Pablo Rodeiro

2024-06-06 10:06:19
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Sambucus palmensis Link

Colaboration agreement between the Consejería de Política Territorial, Sostenibilidad y Seguridad of the Government of Canarias, the Bank Foundation "la Caixa" and the Foundation CajaCanarias for the development of recovery and conservation actions in the natural environment in Canarias (Convenio de colaboración entre la Consejería de Política Territorial, Sostenibilidad y Seguridad del Gobierno de Canarias, la Fundación Bancaria “la Caixa” y la Fundación CajaCanarias para el desarrollo de actuaciones de recuperación y conservación del entorno natural en Canarias)

Miguel Serrano
Pablo Rodeiro

2024-06-06 10:06:19
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Lotus eremiticus A.Santos

Recovery plan of Lotus pyranthus and Lotus eremiticus (Plan de Recuperación del pico de fuego, Lotus pyranthus, y del picocernícalo, Lotus eremiticus)

Miguel Serrano
Pablo Rodeiro

2024-06-06 10:06:19
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Lotus pyranthus P.Pérez

Recovery plan of Lotus pyranthus and Lotus eremiticus (Plan de Recuperación del pico de fuego, Lotus pyranthus, y del picocernícalo, Lotus eremiticus)

Miguel Serrano
Pablo Rodeiro

2024-06-06 10:06:18
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Euphorbia fontqueriana Greuter

Ensuring the survival of endangered plants in the Mediterranean

Miguel Serrano
Pablo Rodeiro

2024-06-06 10:06:18
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Taxus baccata L.

LIFE11 NAT/ES/000711 Improvement of TAXUS baccata conservation status in north-eastern Iberian Peninsula - TAXUS

Jordi Bou

2024-06-06 10:06:18
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Marsilea quadrifolia L.

Ex situ recovery of the Marsilea quadrifolia population

Jordi Bou

2024-06-06 10:06:18