Plant species on Conservation projects

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Silene hifacensis Rouy ex Willk.

Threatened Valencian Flora Conservation Program

Inmaculada Ferrando
P. Pablo Ferrer Gallego

2024-07-08 08:10:59
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Limonium dufourii (Girard) Kuntze

Threatened Valencian Flora Conservation Program

Inmaculada Ferrando
P. Pablo Ferrer Gallego

2024-07-08 08:10:11
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Silene chamarensis Turcz.

Strengthening of Protected Area System of the Komi Republic to conserve virgin forest biodiversity in the Pechora river headwaters region (Project ID 00059042 UNDP/GEF KR PA)

Liudmila Teteryuk

2024-06-06 10:09:50
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Rhodiola quadrifida (Pall.) Fisch. & C.A.Mey.

Strengthening of Protected Area System of the Komi Republic to conserve virgin forest biodiversity in the Pechora river headwaters region (Project ID 00059042 UNDP/GEF KR PA)

Liudmila Teteryuk

2024-06-06 10:09:50
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Potentilla kuznetzowii (Govor.) Juz.

Strengthening of Protected Area System of the Komi Republic to conserve virgin forest biodiversity in the Pechora river headwaters region (Project ID 00059042 UNDP/GEF KR PA)

Liudmila Teteryuk

2024-06-06 10:09:50
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Crepis chrysantha (Ledeb.) Turcz.

Strengthening of Protected Area System of the Komi Republic to conserve virgin forest biodiversity in the Pechora river headwaters region (Project ID 00059042 UNDP/GEF KR PA)

Liudmila Teteryuk

2024-06-06 10:09:49
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Cryptogramma stelleri (S.G. Gmel.) Prantl

Strengthening of Protected Area System of the Komi Republic to conserve virgin forest biodiversity in the Pechora river headwaters region (Project ID 00059042 UNDP/GEF KR PA)

Liudmila Teteryuk

2024-06-06 10:09:49
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Tofieldia coccinea Richardson

Strengthening of Protected Area System of the Komi Republic to conserve virgin forest biodiversity in the Pechora river headwaters region (Project ID 00059042 UNDP/GEF KR PA)

Liudmila Teteryuk

2024-06-06 10:09:49
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Arnica angustifolia subsp. iljinii (Maguire) I.K.Ferguson

Strengthening of Protected Area System of the Komi Republic to conserve virgin forest biodiversity in the Pechora river headwaters region (Project ID 00059042 UNDP/GEF KR PA)

Liudmila Teteryuk

2024-06-06 10:09:49
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Pedicularis amoena Adams ex Steven

Strengthening of Protected Area System of the Komi Republic to conserve virgin forest biodiversity in the Pechora river headwaters region (Project ID 00059042 UNDP/GEF KR PA)

Liudmila Teteryuk

2024-06-06 10:09:49
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Geum glaciale Adams ex Fisch.

Strengthening of Protected Area System of the Komi Republic to conserve virgin forest biodiversity in the Pechora river headwaters region (Project ID 00059042 UNDP/GEF KR PA)

Liudmila Teteryuk

2024-06-06 10:09:49
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Rhodiola quadrifida (Pall.) Fisch. & C.A.Mey.

Strengthening of Protected Area System of the Komi Republic to conserve virgin forest biodiversity in the Pechora river headwaters region (Project ID 00059042 UNDP/GEF KR PA)

Liudmila Teteryuk

2024-06-06 10:09:49