Manica BalantPeter Glasnović
Characterization of the in vitro development processes of some protected plant species from the Romanian flora in order to ex situ conserve
Catana RodicaMarilena Onete
LIFE12 NAT/PT/000997 Conservation of Temporary Ponds in the Southwest Coast of Portugal - LIFE Charcos
Dalila Espírito Santo
Conservation of threatened Madeiran endemic flora
Luisa Gouveia
Ochrona i zagospodarowanie edukacyjno-przyrodnicze muraw kserotermicznych w Kazimierskim Parku Krajobrazowym
Anna Cwener
SiMaSeed Plus
Joseph BuhagiarLeanne CamilleriReeya Ghose Roy
Joseph BuhagiarMarco IannacconeArthur Lamoliere
Conserver et Valoriser le patrimoine botanique unique du Liban
Magda Bou Dagher Kharrat
Katerina Koutsovoulou